2022 Collective Perspective Survey

On behalf of the BC Chamber of Commerce:

The 2022 Collective Perspective Survey was released yesterday with completion date/time Friday, October 21, 2022 at 5.00pm (PST).

This annual survey captures insight from businesses of every size, and from every sector and region in the province — making it the largest economic snapshot of B.C.’s business environment.

The survey results will help to:

  • Identify evolving trends that help us better understand our past, present, and future business climate.
  • Inform the policy priorities and advocacy efforts of the BC Chamber of Commerce and its provincial network.
  • Educate government on the issues that matter most to B.C. businesses.

Please help to circulate the survey link to your respective members (using the copy in the survey intro) so they can share their business perspectives and, in return, BCCC will share the survey findings with you.

Survey link as follows:  https://www.bcmindreader.com/c/r/2022-Collective-Perspective-Survey.

Thank you sincerely for your help and continued partnership.