September 15, 2015
Dear Stakeholder:
OHS Compliance Agreements Policy (D12-186.1-1)
At its June 2015 meeting, WorkSafeBC’s Board of Directors approved a new policy on OHS Compliance Agreements (D12-186.1-1). This policy came into effect on September 15, 2015 and will apply on an interim basis until it is replaced by a final policy on January 1, 2016. Stakeholders may provide feedback on the interim policy until October 15, 2015.
Instead of issuing an order, WorkSafeBC may, in certain circumstances, enter into a compliance agreement in which an employer voluntarily agrees to correct OHS violations and report back to WorkSafeBC by a certain date.
Compliance agreements are offered at WorkSafeBC’s discretion, within the limits of the Act and policy. WorkSafeBC will only enter into a compliance agreement if WorkSafeBC believes that the employer will likely fulfill its obligations under the agreement.
Housekeeping Change to Policy D12-196-7 — Effect of Application for Stay at Review Division
A housekeeping change was made to reflect that, effective September 15, 2015, a request for review of a WorkSafeBC decision or order on an occupational health and safety or claims cost levy matter must be submitted to the Review Division within 45 days of the date the decision or order was made. More information on the new timeline to request a review is available here.
A reference to 90 days in the Background of the policy was changed to 45 days.
Click here for the updated Prevention Manual, along with replacement pages for updating the manual and more details regarding the changes.
Lori Guiton
Director, Policy, Regulation and Research Division