At their meeting on May 18, 2016, WorkSafeBCs governing body, the Board of Directors, approved the release of a discussion paper on Assessable Payroll with options and draft policies for stakeholder review and comment.
Generally, an employers Assessable Payroll is the remuneration paid to all workers for work done. Premiums are calculated by multiplying an employers Assessable Payroll by its assessable rate.
The Assessable Payroll policies provide guidance about what payments are included in Assessable Payroll. These policies, however, have not changed since 2003.
At issue is whether to clarify and consolidate the core Assessable Payroll policies so that they are easier to use. Also at issue is whether to assess only those payments to non-registered affiliated firms that are remuneration for work done.
The discussion paper, draft policies, and information on how to provide feedback can be accessed through the link below.
The consultation period for this item will end September 30, 2016. The Board of Directors will consider stakeholder feedback before making a decision on the proposed policies.
Please note that COCA will be submitting comments on behalf of members. If you are making a submission on behalf of your own organization or company or would like to provide input to COCA’s response, please email to