Proposed policy amendments regarding the Partners in Injury and Disability Prevention Program (Partners Program)

At their meeting on December 14, 2016, WorkSafeBC’s Board of Directors (BOD) approved the release of a discussion paper and draft policies regarding the Partners Program for stakeholder review and comment.

The Partners Program is a voluntary program designed to encourage employers in B.C. to take a proactive role in occupational health and safety. Employers registered in the Partners Program who meet the program requirements achieve a Certificate of Recognition (COR) and may be eligible to receive a financial incentive.

On January 26, 2016, the BOD approved interim policies for the Partners Program while new policies for the Partners Program were being developed.

This policy review addresses proposed changes to those interim policies. These proposed changes were developed based on feedback obtained from stakeholder consultation.

The discussion paper, draft policies, and information on how to provide feedback can be accessed through the link below.

Review or Comment

The consultation period will end on June 2, 2017.  The BOD will consider stakeholder feedback before making a decision on policy amendments.  

Please note that COCA will be submitting comments on behalf of members.  If you are making a submission on behalf of your own organization or company or would like to provide input to COCA’s response, please email to