OH&S | by JOC NEWS SERVICE | Dec 9, 2016
VANCOUVER – With a cold snap covering the Lower Mainland, WorkSafeBC is reminding workers to keep safety in mind while working in cold and often hazardous conditions.
“In extreme temperatures, frostbite can occur in a matter of minutes without the proper clothing and equipment. Construction labourers, trucking and transportation drivers, utility and maintenance workers and ski hill operators are just a few of the many different occupations that require workers to perform their duties outside and employers and workers need to ensure they are ready to work safely in these conditions,” WorkSafeBC director of prevention field services Dan Strand said in a statement.
Workers are advised to minimize exposed skin to cold temperatures and wind chill, layer clothing to allow perspiration to escape while trapping heat and keep clothing dry.
Workers should also keep bare hands away from metal objects and stay hydrated while limiting coffee and tea intake.
WorkSafeBC also stressed proper rest, as fatigue can be a risk factor in the cold and to wear a hat as body heat escapes through the head.
An explanation on cold stress prevention is also available on the WorkSafeBC website.