Amendments to Part 5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation – Emergency procedures for hazardous substances

On behalf of WorkSafeBC –>

Approved Amendments for Part 5, Emergency Planning, in the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulation relating to emergency procedures for hazardous substances take effect on February 3, 2025.   

These amendments focus on broadening and enhancing existing requirements to minimize risks to workers and other persons. The expanded sections include: 

  • Section: 5.97 Definitions and application 
  • Section: 5.98 Worker participation 
  • Section: 5.99 Inventory of hazardous substances 
  • Section: 5.100 Risk assessments 
  • Section: 5.101 Emergency response plans 
  • Section: 5.102 Emergency procedures – protection and notification 
  • Section: 5.103 Emergency procedures – safe work 
  • Section: 5.103 Training and drills 

Backgrounder available

We have recently published the Backgrounder: Emergency procedures for hazardous substances to assist employers in preparing for the new requirements. This resource provides an overview of the changes listed above.  

Guidelines available in February

We are developing OHS Guidelines to provide additional support for employers; these guidelines will be available on February 3.  

For more information on these amendments, see the Approved Amendments for Part 5, Emergency Planning, in the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation on our website.