BCCWITT News and Events

On behalf of BC Centre for Women in the Trades

Sign up TODAY: ConnectHER Journey to Success for Women Apprentices

In collaboration with the national ConnectHER program, BCCWITT is looking for tradeswomen in British Columbia to join our Journey to Success for Women Apprenticesprogram: Connect with mentors, peers, and training, and gain skills to advance your career in construction and maintenance trades! Learn more & sign up athttps://tinyurl.com/ConnectHERImpact

Stand Up for Safe Workplaces: Interest List

Our promo for Stand Up for Safe Workplaces is now live on our website! Developed in partnership with the BC Federation of Labour (BCFED) Health & Safety Centre, this innovative new program that will help participants understand diversity, equity and inclusion through the lens of workplace safety, including psychological injury prevention. We expect to complete curriculum development and launch the training program in spring 2025. You’re invited to join the interest list here, and we will update you with program details as soon as they are available.

BCCWITT Project Grant and BCCWITT Career Advancement Bursary

Please check out our TWO funding initiatives:

  • The BCCWITT Project Grant provides up to $5000 in seed funding for Leaders in Trades program participants to organize, coordinate, and host initiatives thatpromote skilled trades careers to youth and equity priority people of all genders and recruit them across British Columbia. If you are not a LIT participant but want to connect with one to access this funding, please email us at info@bccwitt.ca
  • Applications for our BCCWITT Career Advancement Bursary for this quarter are open again on January 3 through to February 2: This initiative offers equity-priority tradespeople of all genders with up to $1000 once per fiscal year (April 2024 – March 2025) to fund any part of the expenses related to accessing training, certifications, networking, and educational opportunities, including tools, travel costs, child care, and more. This week, 37 tradespeople from across BC will be notified that they have been awarded a bursary of $1000 as part of this program! Watch our socials @BCCWITT to find out more about the successful applicants and their careers.

Details are on the program page of our website: https://bccwitt.ca/bccwitt-bursary-project-grant/

2024 BCCA Survey Invitation: What’s your perspective on the construction industry?

The BC Construction Associations’ annual industry survey is live and seeking respondents: Take it here. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and at the end, you’ll have the option to enter your name for a chance to win a $300 Amazon Gift Card. These surveys help BCCA in determining key issues and trends of the construction industry in both the present and future, and are a great opportunity to share your experiences as a tradespeople from an equity priority group. If you’re interested, you can also visit the BCCA website to read the results from previous years’ surveys.

Registration Open for the 2025 CLC Winter School

The Canadian Labour Congress’ annual Winter School will be taking place in Harrison Hot Springs over 5 weeks from January to February, and registration is now open. For full course offerings, please click here.

New Resource for Inclusive Employers and Workers with Disabilities: Untapped Talent

Our community members at CCRW have developed Untapped Talent, a job board exclusively for job seekers who identify with a disability and are looking to be connected with disability-confident employers across Canada! It’s completely free for job seekers to register and use, and open to the public. Both employers and job seekers are invited to check it out at https://www.untappedtalent.ca/