Dr. Lstiburek Building Better Buildings Seminar ~ May 10th

Tuesday, May 10, 2016  |  8 AM – 5 PM
Anvil Centre – Ballroom  |  777 Columbia Street, New Westminster

*Earn 7.5 HPO CPD Points in One Day!*

The Greater Vancouver Home Builders’ Association (GVHBA), in partnership with presenting sponsor FortisBC, patron sponsor the Homeowner Protection Office, Branch of BC Housing, and Education Supporters BC Hydro and the Province of British Columbia, presents its annual Building Science Day on Tuesday, May 10, 2016.

Homebuilding is complex, with the requirement for builders to understand building science principles and how the house works as an integrated system. A not-to-be-missed event for any builder, renovator, architect or other professional in the residential construction industry, this year’s seminar features Dr. Joseph Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng., ASHRAE Fellow will be the event keynote speaker. One of the most influential, innovative and dynamic building science leaders in North America, Dr. Lstiburek will discuss best practices to achieve building code requirements, proven methodologies to effectively address moisture, ventilation and thermal bridging challenges, and leading-edge building science principles to build better buildings on the West Coast.

In addition to Dr. Lstiburek’s four-part presentation, attendees will learn about two local initiatives examining energy efficiency initiatives, costs, and high-performance homes. Sponsored by FortisBC, Andrew Pape-Salmon of RDH Building Science Inc. will discuss the Brixton Station Townhomes, a case study on energy costs and benefits. BC Hydro will review the recently completed Lower Mainland “Local Energy Efficiency Partnerships” (LEEP) and initiatives underway to advance home performance in British Columbia.

Full seminar details are on the following page. Register online on GVHBA’s website by clicking here.

* Save time by earning the bulk of your required credits in one day!

  • MEMBERS EARLY BIRD (until April 30) | Individual: $249+GST; Table of 8: $1800+GST Students: $100+GST*
    *Reduced student rate made possible with support from BC Hydro, FortisBC, Homeowner Protection Office, Branch of BC Housing and the Province of BC.
  • MEMBERS REGULAR PRICE (from May 1) | Individual: $299+GST; Table of 8: $2200+GST
  • NON-MEMBERS | Individual: $399+GST; Table of 8: $2999+GST

For full details on the day’s topics, download the PDF by clicking here. To reserve your seat, register online on GVHBAs website by clicking here.