July 28, 2016
The Board of Directors of WorkSafeBC approved public hearings to be held in September and October 2016. These hearings are with regard to the following proposed changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (OHSR), including proposed changes regarding joint occupational health and safety committees (joint committees):
New sections on joint committees in the OHSR:
- Section 3.26, Evaluation of joint committees
- Section 3.27, Minimum training requirements for new joint committee members and worker health and safety representatives
- Section 3.28, Participation by employer or representative of employer and worker representative [in employer investigations]
[A draft of WorksafeBCs Joint Committee Evaluation Tool will be posted later this summer on the WorkSafeBC website with an opportunity for you to provide feedback.]
Other proposed changes to the OHSR:
- Section 1.1, Definitions: Consequential amendments to the definitions for combustible and flammable liquids
- Section 4.43.1, General Conditions: Storage rack systems (new)
- Section 4.56, General Conditions: Work area guards and handrails
- Section 5.71(2), Chemical Agents and Biological Agents: Combustible or flammable air contaminants
- Section 6.4, Substance Specific Requirements: Asbestos inventory
- Sections 6.58.1 to 6.69, Substance Specific Requirements: Lead
- Sections 6.110 to 6.112.7, Substance Specific Requirements: Respirable crystalline silica and rock dust
- Section 12.83.1, Tools, Machinery and Equipment: Chassis dynamometer (new)
- Sections 13.11, 14.1, and 14.2, Construction material hoists
- Section 14.5, Cranes and Hoists: Rated capacity indication, and Section 14.11, Cranes and Hoists: Support structures
- Section 14.81, Cranes and Hoists: Limit devices
- Section 20.2, Construction, Excavation and Demolition: Notice of Project
- Section 22.12(1) and (2), Underground Workings: Underground supervisors
- Section 23.69, Oil and Gas: Flow piping systems
- Section 26.13.4, Forestry Operations and Similar Activities: Saw chain shot (new)
You can access the proposed amendments, along with explanatory notes and details of the public hearings, via the link below:
2016 proposed regulatory amendments
The public hearings will provide stakeholders with an opportunity to comment on the proposed regulatory amendments. WorkSafeBC welcomes feedback on the amendments either by written submission or participation in the oral public hearings. Written submissions will be accepted until 4:30 p.m., Friday, October 7, 2016.
Please note that the public consultation phase is separate from the public hearing process. Accordingly, if you provided comments during the public consultation phase that ended March 31, and you wish your feedback to be considered during the public hearing process, please make another submission on the proposed amendments.
Please note that COCA will be submitting comments on behalf of members. If you are making a submission on behalf of your own organization or company or would like to provide input to COCA’s response, please email to dave@cocabc.ca.