The Ministry of Labour is inviting you to participate in a survey on how workplaces and businesses can commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (September 30th) each year, including whether B.C. should establish a new employer-paid statutory holiday starting in 2023.
That National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is a federal statutory holiday which commemorates the history and legacy of the residential school system, honours the resilience, dignity and strength of survivors, and remembers the children that never came home. Designating this day as a provincial statutory holiday would entitle B.C. employees covered by the Employment Standards Act to an employer-paid day off to personally commemorate the day, or to payment at premium rates if they are required to work on that day.
Additional information and the survey are available at National Day for Truth and Reconciliation | govTogetherBC where employers and employees are invited to submit their views until September 21, 2022.
Trevor Hughes, Deputy Minister, encourages you and members of your organization to participate in the survey.
Please forward the link to the survey to your colleagues, members of your organization, and anyone else whom you think will be interested in participating.